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The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

All content by Submitted Photo
DIVE TIME.  The pool our fellow students were swimming in is at the Bob Devaney Center in Lincoln, NE. This pool was opened originally in 1976. It is 25 yards long.

[Photo] Dive into State

Onnika Moore, Reporter
March 2, 2022
State Smiles: With jerseys on and medals around their necks, the team smiles after the state competition. "we are very fortunate to have several good esports teams," esports coach Kimberly Ingraham-Beck said. "This year the varsity team placed second, which i'm very happy about. The team performed better than last year as well as improved their skills as a whole.

[Photo] Redemption Round

Jake Detten, Staff Reporter
December 9, 2021
While living in England, Mrs.Cari Whitehill and her family explore historical landmarks. “It was a fun experience,” Mrs. Whitehill said. “Just travel and know a little bit about what you will get yourself into.” They lived one hour north of London.

[Photo] Goodbye Nebraska, Hello World

Delany Jepsen, Production Manager
March 2, 2021
Activity Advertising: In an effort to promote the sock drive competition, student council members designed an array of sock boxes for first-hour classrooms and posters. "We had multiple student council meetings where we all decorated some boxes to distribute around the school for sock collecting," Connor Beck (21) said. "I knew sock rhymes with a lot of words, so I just decorated some boxes with rhymes like 'sock stocks' or 'these socks rock.' I also did a Cookie Monster one because everyone likes the Cookie Monster." The boxes and posters were designed with markers, papers and repurposed boxes.

[Photo] Battling for Breakfast

Kalei Renner, Photo Editor
February 23, 2021
Team Spirit: The Patriots coached by Colton Munn (21) and Kaden Conrad (21) pose for a silly picture. "I would highly recommend coaching flag football," Conrad said. "Because it gives us an opportunity to teach kids the game of football while also letting them have fun doing it." The team finished the season with a record of 3-5.

[Photo] The Boys Of Fall

Connor Bulgrin, Editor-In-Chief
December 16, 2020
Making Memories: Throughout all-state, Liam Pohlmann (21) has made many different memories with the many different people he has met. "My favorite part of all-state is everyone I meet through the ensemble," Pohlmann said. "To this day, I am still friends and actively talk to people that I met in all-state." Although he may not go to the same school as them, he still holds all the experiences they shared throughout all-state.

[Photo] Arts Auditions

Ansley Gydesen, Staff Reporter
December 15, 2020
Brain Overload: Since school is stressful, Danika Temoshek (23) believes it would be a good time to relax with an open campus lunch. "Off campus, lunch would benefit us, students, during the long school day," Temoshek said. "We would get time off to go home or a restaurant with our friends and relax our brain." Taking a break from stressful school is an important activity for Temoshek.

[Photo] Open Campus Opportunities

Ansley Gydesen, Staff Reporter
December 15, 2020
Katelin Kersten (21)

[Photo] Sewing the Show Together

Sophia Allen, Design Editor
December 15, 2020
Lilly Brophy finishing her race strong at a national triathlon meet.

[Photo] Life Of a Triathlete

Mara Bosworth, Staff Reporter
May 13, 2020
Zoey Schultz was gifted baked goods by Paige Pulte in hopes of brightening her friends spirits.

[Photo] Quarantine Cupcakes

Bayleigh Koch, Staff Reporter
May 11, 2020
Senior, Cora Lopp enjoying the views in Colorado, where she will be attending college.

[Photo] Soccer Season Cancelled

Alexis Spier, Staff Reporter
May 10, 2020
Quang Nguyen (20), Snohomish Washington

[Photo] Around the Country

Alex Suhr, Staff Reporter
May 9, 2020
Room For Improvement: "I believe e-learning could be more improved if we did it more like the college-style," Chandler Brown (21) said. "Every class still had their hours just online instead of in the classroom."

[Photo] Learning From A Distance

Lauren Eurich, Entertainment/Opinion Editor
May 4, 2020
Senior Keegan Towey (20) draws one of this weeks prompts in his art class. Towey continues to adapt to this new way of learning.

[Photo] Project-Based Classes

Delaney Hardies, Staff Reporter
April 27, 2020
Jada Scharff (20) had a senior sign made for her by her mom.

[Photo] Traditions Lost

Kaleigh Zollman, Online Editor
May 1, 2020
Mother and Daughter: Mrs. Rhodes and her daughter, Lauren wear their masks as they prepare to go for their weekly grocery shopping trip. They made the masks from the material that used to be on the bulletin boards in Mrs. Rhodes' classroom.

[Photo] Mask Fashion Show

Kaleigh Zollman, Online Editor
April 30, 2020
Junior Hannah Rush in the Kids Round-Up office. Rush spends her time working because she is not in school.

[Photo] What Are Students Up To?

Peyton Rewczuk, Editor-In-Chief
April 20, 2020
On the Field - Because no one is allowed at GHS Gabe Melton (21) uses the GMS baseball field. "With all the craziness going on it may be best to keep everyone safe and healthy." Melton said. Because of public parks closing it is tough to know how long he will be able to practice there.

[Photo] The Grind Never Stops

Connor Bulgrin, Editor-In-Chief
April 9, 2020
Sweet and Tasty; Julia Otto (22) has been busy on this break by hosting her own bake-off against her mom. Otto's cupcake was the pink with white and her mom's is the light brown. "The bake-off ended in a tie," Otto said.

[Photo] Bored In Quarantine

Grace Coufal, Staff Reporter
April 3, 2020
Business students got the opportunity to tour HUDL, a Lincoln-based sports company. "Students really enjoy getting out of the classroom and giving them these opportunities to go out and learn," Business advisor Mr. Lucas Grossniklaus said. "Whether it's businessm journalism, English, or engineering, it's great for students to see the many opportunities around them and these trips provide a lot of that." The classes saw how the work environment can vary from place to place, since HUDl takes a unique approach to theirs.

[Photo] Preparing for Takeoff

Ethan Menning, Sports Editor
March 31, 2020
Burnt Landscape; "I think we're all just so grateful," counselor Ms. Carole Carraher said. "Our homes and all of our animals were saved. I'm just so grateful to the people who risked their lives and kept fighting to save ours."

[Photo] Brush Fires Invade Omaha

Ansley Gydesen, Staff Reporter
March 26, 2020
Size Matters Not: Pro-lifers hold up signs protesting the idea that fetal development is a valid argument for abortion. "I was raised in the belief that every life matters, no matter how small, no matter how young it is," junior Colton Smith said. "I’m strongly against the idea that you can just kill anything. The mother’s womb should be the safest place on Earth." The march took place  on the National Mall on Jan 24.

[Photo] Marching to the End

Ethan Menning, Sports Editor
March 13, 2020
Photo submitted by Zachary Wintle. K9 Deputy in the photo with one of his helpful mutts. Wintle died suddenly last year in 2019.

[Photo] Following Footsteps

Bayleigh Koch, Staff Reporter
February 24, 2020
Both Gretna and Papillion-La Vista cheerleaders are all wearing their Color of Hope Shirts. The two teams came together to take a picture and show awareness to all cancers. They cheered for both the girls and boys varsity basketball teams.

[Photo] Color of Hope Basketball Game

Grace Coufal, Staff Reporter
February 14, 2020
Part of the Game : Jaiden Albright (20) has played on the girl's varsity basketball team since her freshman year. "My favorite part about basketball is all of the extra time that I get to spend with the team, and when I get to hang out with them, especially outside of basketball," said Albright. The girl's basketball season is from December to February.

[Photo] Stressing Into Success

Gabby Hytrek, Staff Reporter
December 17, 2019
More Opportunities: UNMC offers courses High School may not be able to.“ I chose to go to UNMC after watching my sister have a great experience and fall in love with medicine. Me, having an interest in the medical field, wanted to have that same opportunity.” Daffer (20) said.” A few pieces of advice I would give to someone interested in the UNMC High School Alliance would be learning how you study best, apply early, get comfy with driving a lot and learn how to manage your time. UNMC is challenging, but you will get out only as much as put in.”

[Photo] One Step Ahead

Emma Mayer, Copy Editor
November 10, 2019
Lauren Anderson (20) and Hilary Vaughn (20) competed in Extemporaneous Health Poster. “In that competition, we chose any medical profession that we wanted, we chose anesthesiology, and created a poster and gave a speech on it,” Anderson said. This was done at one of the competitions.

[Photo] Exploring the Healthcare Field

Mary Matya, Managing Editor
November 10, 2019
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