The Grind Never Stops

Even for a Global Pandemic

Staying Fit - Matthew Adams (22) is running at GMS. I like to run so I can stay in shape, Adams said. I am going to continue to run even though I think our season is over. Adams runs a few times a week as a way to spend som time.

Connor Bulgrin

Staying Fit – Matthew Adams (22) is running at GMS. “I like to run so I can stay in shape,” Adams said. “I am going to continue to run even though I think our season is over.” Adams runs a few times a week as a way to spend som time.

Connor Bulgrin, Editor-In-Chief

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, schools have been canceled through May 31. Along with this extension of the statewide closure, Governor Pete Ricketts issued that all spring sports and state competitions have been canceled. However, many athletes are continuing to train and practice as though they are still in season. Many coaches, including track coach Mr. Bryce Brunswig, are even giving their athletes home exercises so they can stay in shape.

We, the coaching staff, are sending out workouts that athletes can complete on their own to continue their training for their events,” Coach Brunswig said. “We are encouraging our athletes to continue to work out.

With the quarantine in effect, students can get bored and look for something to do. Continuing to exercise is a good way to spend part of their days.

“I would say that regardless of whether there is a season or not, continuing to train, work out, and be active is very important,” Coach Brunswig said. “The lack of competition and games right now is sad and disappointing, but staying active and continuing to exercise and work out is building you to be a healthy person later in life.  A balanced adult needs to have physical activity in their life and this is a great time to build those habits.”

Someone trying to build those habits is junior Gabe Melton. Melton would have played on the baseball team this spring, but now that is no longer possible. 

“I am still able to work out at Anytime Fitness in Gretna,” Melton said. “So I am able to stay in shape by lifting weights and also running on the treadmill. I am also going to the baseball field as often as I can to keep my arm in the best possible shape.”

Melton still has a chance to play baseball this season. Summer Legion baseball usually takes place at the conclusion of the high school season. With the virus, there is still uncertainty about whether the summer league will happen, but Melton is hopeful.

“As of now, summer ball is on as scheduled,” Melton said. “The only effects that it may have on summer ball would be our games being pushed back a few weeks. This is all if the virus has slowed down. And I will continue to train even if the season is canceled.”

Submitted Photo
On the Field – Because no one is allowed at GHS Gabe Melton (21) uses the GMS baseball field. “With all the craziness going on it may be best to keep everyone safe and healthy.” Melton said. Because of public parks closing it is tough to know how long he will be able to practice there.

In this difficult time, athletes may feel like they lost a lot. But, it is important to remember that there is more to life than just athletics. 

“Track and Field and the other sports that are currently postponed are something that we do,” Coach Brusnwig said. “But they are not representative of all that we are.  We are more than the activities that have currently been taken away from us. We all matter, that is why we are currently practicing Social Distancing and E-Learning. Normalcy will come back, keep the faith and take it day by day.”