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  • February 20 / 7:00 p.m.Varsity Boys Basketball | Bishop Heelan (at Bishop Heelan Catholic High School)
  • February 20 / 7:15 PMVarsity Girls Basketball | Papillion-La Vista South (at Papillion-La Vista South High School)
  • February 27 / TBDVarsity Boys Basketball | Multiple Schools (at TBA)
  • March 1 / TBDVarsity Girls Basketball | NSAA (at TBA)
The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

While living in England, Mrs.Cari Whitehill and her family explore historical landmarks. “It was a fun experience,” Mrs. Whitehill said. “Just travel and know a little bit about what you will get yourself into.” They lived one hour north of London.

Goodbye Nebraska, Hello World

Delany Jepsen, Production Manager
March 2, 2021
CONCESSIONS GIRLS While the football team competes against Pius X during Homecoming week, Kinley Riesselman (22) and Allison Meerian (22) work in the concession stand for the National Honor Society. “I have already completed all my hours,” Meerian said. “My favorite was doing the football concessions with my friends.” Many students completed all volunteer hours in the fall.

Major Changes to NHS

Savannah Andrews, People Editor
February 1, 2021
Freshman Basketball game vs. Elkhorn Avery Swanson (23) and Erin Hildebrand (24)

A Combined Effort

Delany Jepsen, Production Manager
January 31, 2021
Case Updates: A bar graph created by GPS publicly displays the current number of active and recovered COVID-19 cases there are throughout the district. "We follow the Sarpy/Cass Health Department's directive measures and requirements for screening, exclusion and re-admittance of ill students, nurse Mrs.Bridgett Plathe said. "This has changed several times since the start of school and will most likely continue to change as new research and date is collected on the novel virus." In total, GHS has 13 active cases (green) with 170 recovered cases of COVID-19 (yellow).

Wrapping-Up Semester One

Kalei Renner, Photo Editor
December 17, 2020
Help Stop The Spread During students holiday break it is important to take the necessary measures 
to stay safe. "Avoid crowds," Nurse Bridget Plathe said. "large social gatherings, avoid touching face and eyes, and hand sanitizer." With students help GHS will lower rising case numbers.

Vote Passed to Stop the Spread

Gabriella Goday, Staff Reporter
December 17, 2020
An inside look at what class without Ms. Enos looks like. Students are given the agenda for the day before given work time.

Teaching During the Pandemic

Bayleigh Koch, Staff Reporter
December 15, 2020
Before the meet began, Madyson Self (23), practiced her speech in front of the coaches. "I most enjoy that in speech your effort and only your effort predicts your success," Self said. "You don't have to worry about bringing down the team because it is only you who stands to lose or gain anything based on your performance." Her speech was about billionaires and how they should use their money to help others.

Using Their Voice

Delany Jepsen, Production Manager
December 1, 2020
D-D-D- Defense; The underclassmen are sad to see players leaving such as pitcher Grace Buffington (21). "I will miss the seniors," Ella Watts (23) said. "Not just because they did a lot for the team, but also because they were my friends in real life, so it's just sad to see them go." Not only Watts, but everyone left on the Dragons softball team said a sorrowful goodbye as the seniors played their very last high school game.

Ups and Downs

Ansley Gydesen, Staff Reporter
November 9, 2020
Step 1: Check Temperatures
In the triage center, students are required to maintain six feet of space from one another while waiting to get their temperature checked by either of the two school nurses. If their temperature is higher than normal and/or they are experiencing multiple symptoms of COVID-19, they are required to wait in the "secondary health office." (behind the door pictured)

Admin Reports Rise In Cases

Kalei Renner, Photo Editor
September 24, 2020
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