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The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

Lauren Eurich

Lauren Eurich, Design Editor

Lauren Eurich is a senior at GHS and in her third year on The Voice staff. She serves as the design editor. She is involved in journalism because she has a passion for designing pages and writing stories. She believes her voice is expressed the best through journalism. Her favorite stories to write are news and A&E. Outside of journalism, she spends time with family and friends, enjoys drawing, painting and working.

For questions/concerns, email [email protected]

All content by Lauren Eurich
Interior Design Trend: There are trends such as interior design that have been started off of Tik Tok, ranging from DIY furniture to color themes and wall designs. Cloud/LED walls, bubble furniture, modern black/white color themes and rather wacky trends like basket walls and tile furniture are just a few examples.

Interior Design Trends of Tik Tok

Lauren Eurich, Design Editor
February 4, 2021
Starting Trends:  “It's next to impossible to start a large trend in a small town, but I bought white Nike Air Force mids after seeing Sabrina Carpenter rock them, and I noticed a few people come to school with them a few weeks after I started wearing them,” Zoey Schultz (21) said. “They're pretty popular shoes now, so I obviously can't say I started the trend overall, but it makes me happy that a few people might have bought some after I wore them, because I love how they look.”

The Influence of Fashion

Lauren Eurich, Op-Ed/A&E Editor
February 2, 2021
Use of Imagination: “I enjoy reading books because reading the words allows one to envision the characters with your imagination,” Drew Long (23) said. “The lack of visuals in many books leaves room for interpretation that doesn't exist in many other mediums.I'd say that, right now, I, Robot by Isaac Asimov is my favorite (Asimov is my favorite author). I do prefer books over movies. I like how I can just pick up a book, read 20 pages, set it down, and move on with my life. With movies, I have to sit down and watch the movie for a couple of hours. Not that I don't like movies, I just prefer books.”

Art Interpretation: Books, Film

Lauren Eurich, Design Editor
January 16, 2021
Genres Galore: “I think the Spotify wrapped is pretty accurate due to the fact that on my most played artists list I listen to all the artists a lot,” Mckenzie Gunsolly (21) said. “I listened to 380 genres and my top genres were pop, rap, rock, viral rap, and underground hip hop.”

Spotify 2020 Wrapped

Lauren Eurich, Design Editor
December 15, 2020
The award-winning singer-songwriter Billie Eilish released her new song, “Therefore I Am” on Nov. 12. It is Eilish’s third single of 2020, proceeded by “My Future” and “No Time To Die.”

Therefore I Am In Love

Lauren Eurich, Design Editor
December 8, 2020
What A Relief: "It was so relieving and exciting when I got to finally sign," Mackenzie Devine (21) said. "I chose Missouri Western because it had everything I wanted. I liked that it was only two hours from Omaha and an hour from Kansas City. I felt super welcome when I first visited there and it also had the program I wanted to study."

Signing To the Future

Lauren Eurich, Design Editor
December 8, 2020
D-D-D- Defense; The underclassmen are sad to see players leaving such as pitcher Grace Buffington (21). "I will miss the seniors," Ella Watts (23) said. "Not just because they did a lot for the team, but also because they were my friends in real life, so it's just sad to see them go." Not only Watts, but everyone left on the Dragons softball team said a sorrowful goodbye as the seniors played their very last high school game.

[Photo] Ups and Downs

Ansley Gydesen, Staff Reporter
November 9, 2020
Favorite Project: While enrolled in Drawing Fundamentals, Leiting was able to participate in art activities such as grid drawings. “I would definitely say Faith’s pencil grid drawing is probably my favorite project that Faith has done so far,” Mrs. Oliver said. “She did a tremendous job at showing the perspective and going into depth with the picture.”

Art In the Classroom

Lauren Eurich, Design Editor
October 29, 2020
The 1980’s saw the production of many iconic films such as “The Breakfast Club”, “Sixteen Candles” and countless more.

Throwback To The Brat Pack

Lauren Eurich, Design Editor
October 29, 2020
Since his freshman year, Zane Mrozla-Mindrup has been an intelligent and impactful team member of the quiz bowl team. "Zane has been on the quiz bowl team for the past two years since he was a freshman," quiz bowl sponsor Rick Arch said. "He seeked out the quiz bowl team, but his middle school teachers had recommended him so I probably would have found him if he hadn't come into practice. You need to be extremely knowledgeable but also a good teammate to be a part of quiz bowl. He is both."

Newspaper From Within

Lauren Eurich, Design Editor
August 25, 2020
Creating Shows: "Making a show choir show has helped me understand what my teachers go through to create shows," Polivanov said. "It takes a lot of effort, but I really liked finding songs that went together. Trying to make shows cleverly put together is not an easy task, but in the end it's definitely worth it. I would honestly perform the show that our group created."

Arts in Education

Lauren Eurich, Entertainment/Opinion Editor
May 16, 2020
Ultimate Goal: "We have worked hard preparing what we think is a safe thorough process," Jami Ewer said. "But we've never done this before.  I'm sure there will be some hiccups, but will make adjustments as needed.  The ultimate goal is to keep everyone safe and complete the year appropriately."

Students Ready For Summer

Lauren Eurich, Entertainment/Opinion Editor
May 11, 2020
Room For Improvement: "I believe e-learning could be more improved if we did it more like the college-style," Chandler Brown (21) said. "Every class still had their hours just online instead of in the classroom."

Learning From A Distance

Lauren Eurich, Entertainment/Opinion Editor
May 4, 2020
New Normal: "If my family and I wanted to go out, we can't because these places are closed," Maylee Tarver (23) said. "That's one example of how these places have affected me. When I heard that things were starting to re-open, my first thought was, Oh my! Life is starting to go back to the way it was."

Getting Back Into Routine

Lauren Eurich, Entertainment/Opinion Editor
May 1, 2020
Placing The Pieces: "During quarantine I have been working, watching Netflix and doing puzzles in my free time," Eurich (21) said. "I have spent at least 100 dollars on puzzles over quarantine."

Putting the Pieces Together

Lauren Eurich, Opinon/Entertainment Editor
April 20, 2020
Times Changing: "Senior year was supposed to be an amazing year. It is. It was great. I'm trying to make the best of it," Rhodes (20) said. "We all been saying that 2020 is our year no cap. Well, now we may not have a gown either and we cannot even see our diploma. It's changing rapidly everyday but I have been finding things to do and they help distract me. It seems like the days drag but looking back time flew by."

Social Distancing At Its Finest

Lauren Eurich, Entertainment/Opinion Editor
April 8, 2020
It is impossible to think about what life would be like without social media. Until about 1997, the first social media site Six Degrees was founded. Forms of communication continue to grow and become more valuable in an individual’s everyday life. 

Then and Now

Lauren Eurich, Entertainment/Opinion Editor
April 1, 2020
Little Women features lead actress, Saoirse Ronan, and lead actor, Timothee Chalamet.

The Inspiring Story of the 1860s

Lauren Eurich, Opinion/Entertainment Editor
February 14, 2020
The cast surrounds their NSAA state trophy after their win.

One Act, But Thousands of Memories

Lauren Eurich, Opinion/Entertainment Editor
December 18, 2019
Sophomore Jenna Marshall Gretna softballs catcher, gets ready to catch the pitch.

[Photo] Gretna Varsity Softball 2019

Shaina Russell, Staff Reporter
December 17, 2019
The Dragons lined up on the sideline during the game against Millard South.

[Photo] Varsity Football 2019

Peyton Rewczuk, Editor-In-Chief
December 13, 2019
Stepping Up To The Plate: Senior taking the swing. Billie Andrews (20) gets ready for the hit as she is in her batting stance. She is seconds away from either a strike or a hit.

Taking It To State

Lauren Eurich, Opinion/Entertainment Editor
November 10, 2019
This 1985 classic is still a memorable film that anyone can watch and still continue to love. So grab some popcorn, relax and enjoy yet another classic Steven Spielberg movie. 

Throwing It Back To 1985

Lauren Eurich, Opinion/Entertainment Editor
November 11, 2019
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