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The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

Mary Jane Kushiner

Mary Jane Kushiner, Editor in Chief

Mary Jane Kushiner is a junior at GHS and this is her second year with Gretna Media. She serves as Editor in Chief. Last year, she received recognition for several stories listed on the awards page, including first place in the NPW contest in entertainment reviews. She is interested in journalism because she loves hearing one of a kind stories. Her favorite thing to write is feature stories. Besides being in journalism she likes to read all kinds of books, watch movies and participate in GHS’s Concert Choir.

All content by Mary Jane Kushiner
Senior Kieran Bear, sophomore Henry Matulka, senior Jaxon Nielsen, senior Colton Westra and freshman Benjamin Pierce huddle up before competing in the junior varsity section at the Burke Invitational on Sept. 7.

Cross Country Traditions Set the Pace

Mary Jane Kushiner, Co-editor in chief
October 28, 2024
Leaves change on 204th street in September. Nebraska may not be Connecticut, however autumn is a beautiful season in this state. "Gilmore Girls" takes place in the imaginary town Stars Hallow.

How to Have a Gilmore Fall

Mary Jane Kushiner, Co-editor
September 27, 2024
Holly Radke, the Gretna Schools Foundation's director, is hosting a talent show on Sept. 21 in the afternoon at the Gretna Auto Amphitheater. “Our goal is to really just show the community who the foundation is and what we are doing to support them,” Radke said. “It’s just a great way to be a community partner. We (also) thought it was a great way for the foundation to get in front of the community and showcase all the great things that are going on in the City of Gretna.”

Gretna’s Got Talent

Mary Jane Kushiner, Editor in Chief
September 3, 2024
Cade Bryson (10) lifts a plaque at a Gretna baseball game.

Cade and Charlie

Mary Jane Kushiner, Reporter
March 22, 2024
GHS's new school store, The Dragon's Lair, opened its doors to students on Oct. 5, supplying the students with a variety of designs and styles.

Dragon’s Lair

Mary Jane Kushiner, Reporter
October 10, 2023
Maya Huber (24) and Roxy Lightle (26) rehearse for the upcoming production, "By the Bog of Cats," in the theater.

Building on a Legacy

Mary Jane Kushiner, Reporter
October 6, 2023
Sophomore Emma Hermeling competes in the squat event at a meet last season. The power lifting team hopes to build on last year's success starting this semester.

Striving for Strength

Mary Jane Kushiner, Reporter
September 8, 2023
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