“Warriors” is a book series by Erin Hunter centered around a house cat named Rusty, who leaves his housefolk one day and discovers a whole world of cats inside a forest. The civilization of “wild cats” consisting of Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, and Shadowclan aren’t welcome to the ex-house cat at first, but eventually warm up to him as he accepts his clan name, Firepaw. He joins Thunderclan and quickly learns the way of clan life in the forest, training and hunting for the clan to eventually become Fireheart.
The series in itself is full of in-depth world development and unique characters that all have their own personality. Each book provides a new adventure, introducing new characters or expanding on previous ones. It’s a book series that’s been written and continued since 2003, and there are still more books scheduled to be released in 2025 and the coming years.
The only inconveniences are the quickly changing perspectives in the book that get occasionally hard to follow (I.e. the books can have up to three different perspectives sometimes) and the occasional inconsistency in the story and timeline. This is mainly due to the fact that Erin Hunter is a pen name for four different authors; Cherith Baldry, Kate Cary, Victoria Holmes, and Tui T. Sutherland.
This book series has so many good things to talk about, so much that a single book report wouldn’t cover it. But despite that, the book series is amazing, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes cats, action, and fantasy stories.
(Disclaimer: This book series contains animal death, animal fighting, and depictions of blood and gore.)