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  • December 28 / TBA Varsity Girls Basketball | Multiple Schools (at TBA)
  • December 30 / TBDVarsity Boys Basketball | Multiple Schools (at TBA)
  • January 2 / 7:00PMVarsity Girls Wrestling | Multiple Schools (at Gretna East High School)
  • January 4 / 9:30AMVarsity Girls Wrestling | Multiple Schools (at Millard West High School)
The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

All content by Gretna Public Schools
Case Updates: A bar graph created by GPS publicly displays the current number of active and recovered COVID-19 cases there are throughout the district. "We follow the Sarpy/Cass Health Department's directive measures and requirements for screening, exclusion and re-admittance of ill students, nurse Mrs.Bridgett Plathe said. "This has changed several times since the start of school and will most likely continue to change as new research and date is collected on the novel virus." In total, GHS has 13 active cases (green) with 170 recovered cases of COVID-19 (yellow).

[Photo] Wrapping-Up Semester One

Kalei Renner, Photo Editor
December 17, 2020
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