FBLA can be something to write on a resume to impress colleges and future employers or it can be something more. For me and many other active members of FBLA, we chose more.
FBLA stands for Future Business Leaders of America. You don’t have to have a guaranteed plan to go into business to be a member. Many non-related business skills can be taken from this activity.
As said in the name of the club, you may learn leadership skills for your future. There are offices that give the opportunity to lead to students. The former officers have done a good job running the club, and the incoming officers have some big shoes to fill, but will have no problem filling. The incoming officers already have fundraisers being planned and ideas for this upcoming year.
“The best part is the connections you make within your school and other schools,” said former FBLA president Joe Stolinski said. Stolinski graduates next month.
Another skill that is gained from FBLA are social skills and connections. Both of these are always going to be necessary for any job you choose to pursue. This also leads to better communication and relationships with others.
“It’s an important component to the business department, and it’s good for students to start working on some of these networking skills and soft skills,” said FBLA advisor Christine Swantek said. She has been involved with the organization for eight years.

FBLA continues to lead America in more than just the way of business but in the service to the school and community. It collects food for the local food pantry, does roadside cleanup, donates cookies to the nursing home and more.
FBLA doesn’t just help others get useful skills such as these. It also helps those who hope to pursue a business career to get a jump start on their goals. The tests taken at competitions provide business information and the presentations give the social skills. Both of these will be necessary to know and have in the business field. FBLA opens young minds to the business world and expands their knowledge of different fields.
“Before joining FBLA, I never really had an interest in being in the business field. But since joining FBLA, it’s opened me up to want to go into the business field,” said incoming co-president Kelsey Van Waart.
As I said earlier, FBLA is an impressive thing to put on your resume and some members are just in the activity for it, but others do more in the club. FBLA is something that you get to determine your level of involvement.
“You put in what you want to get out,” said sophomore Sarah Doble said. She will be FBLA’s treasurer next year. “You don’t have to do everything in it, but then you won’t get all the experiences from it.”
This club is always looking for more participants, from those who are very active members to those who just want to help out. The majority of members in this group would say they have love the club, connections made in the club and the fun they have in and with this group.