Buffalo Bench
March 12, 2020
The story of the GHS Buffalo Bench comes to life as reporters Lily Sullivan and Liliana Kinnan get the full story on the timeless piece of art. #GretnaStrong #GNN #GHSBuffaloBench
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March 12, 2020
The story of the GHS Buffalo Bench comes to life as reporters Lily Sullivan and Liliana Kinnan get the full story on the timeless piece of art. #GretnaStrong #GNN #GHSBuffaloBench
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Liliana Kinnan is a junior and this is her first year on the staff. She enjoys being in journalism because she likes to try new things and be creative....
Lily Sullivan is a junior at GHS, and this is her first year on the GNN Staff. She is the Executive Producer and Editor. Lily is a part of journalism because...