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The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media

The Student News Site of Gretna High School

Gretna Media


First Amendment of the United States Constitution

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Comment Policy

We appreciate all comments to incite discussions within the community. Comments, however, should remain appropriate and stay on-topic. Staff members review all comments before getting it posted on the website. If the comment contains one of the following, it may not be posted.

  • Foul language
  • Hate speech
  • Spam messages
  • Incorrect information

Corrections Policy

We strive for complete accuracy. If you believe we have misspelled a name, misquoted or published incorrect information, you can contact us here. After receiving notice of an error, corrections to articles will be made in a timely matter.

Conditions for Content Removal

Content will only be removed by the editorial staff following notice of copyright infringement and/or any other ethical violations. We reserve to right to create, publish, and preserve student-produced content to be accessed by the general public in the future.

Submissions Policy/Reader Participation

Do you have a story idea that you want to get published? Do you have a lead on what we should cover? Gretna Media accepts letter to the editors, column writers and guest writers. Note that all articles will be reviewed before getting published. Articles may be edited by editors. If interested, contact us here.