Powerlifting Team Keeps Getting Stronger

Raising the Bar

Jenna Keasling (25) prepares to lift her barbell for the squat event during a meet.

Attaining maximum strength is the foremost goal of powerlifting. Through three different types of lifts, lifters build muscle and become stronger. Powerlifting is a hardcore and vigorous activity of raw strength.
“My favorite thing about powerlifting is that it does not involve a lot of skill, just put in hard work and you see results,” junior Isaiah Weber said. “Also, lifting heavy weights is super fun.”
The powerlifting season kicked off in November with practices three times a week. The team worked on squats, bench and deadlifts. Practices are all about focusing on each part of the body and building up strength.
“We first warm up depending on what we are doing that day, then we all get started and lift,” sophomore Isabella Smith said. “I started a bit low with weights, and I’ve just slowly added more and got more into powerlifting as I go.”
The three main events of powerlifting are squatting, benching and deadlifting. The squat is the first of the three, when the athlete lifts the barbell off the ground and to their waist. Benching is the second part, where athletes are on a bench lifting the bar up from their chest. Lastly, the deadlift is the part where the barbell is again, lifted off the ground and then lowered back down. Throughout the whole process of powerlifting, immeasurable effort is required.
“I have always been into weight lifting and fitness, so I thought this would be perfect for me,” senior Zoe Schuka said. “It has been a very positive experience in my life and taught me how to set goals for myself and how to push myself until I can not anymore.”
The powerlifting season was successful for many, with a possibility at a state championship. Not only have they achieved a great deal this year, but also created new relationships and met new people.
“The best thing about the powerlifting team is seeing how hard all of our students work,” coach Ms. Alise Pape said. “They are really dedicated to the sport and to becoming stronger. Seeing them overcome multiple setbacks, whether that’s injuries or just being overwhelmed during training with other things going on.”
Throughout an entire season of hard work and training, the powerlifting team has seen success in many ways, during lifting and practice. At state there was lots of success for both boys and girls. Three girls placed top five, and two boys placed top five. The athletes have become stronger and created new relationships through powerlifting.