Dragons Take Fifth Place at State Marching Band Competition
The Marching Dragons performed their show “Icarus” for the final time on Oct. 22 at the state competition. Millard South’s Buell Stadium hosted over 20 bands within a span of seven hours, beginning at 2:30 p.m. Friends, family and fans crowded in the bleachers to watch and listen to each performance. After all of the schools had their turn in the spotlight, judges met to tally up scores and determine a winner. Students sat in anticipation, though there were many spontaneous songs and chants to keep them occupied. Gretna was awarded with Best Color Guard and later the fifth place plaque. Smiles, hugs and even a few tears could be seen as the close-knit group congratulated each other on everything they had accomplished this season.
Ava Fuller is a senior at GHS and the editor-in-chief of the Online Journalism program. She is a third-year on staff who enjoys taking pictures of sporting...