Life In The Country
Different Location Provides Unique Opportunities
To some people, living in the country is a dream that allows them to live away from all the people and noise. Life in the country allows them to reach their goals. For junior Piper Geise and sophomore Keely Chappel, this dream is a reality. These two step sisters have lived together in a home away from the commotion and distractions for about six years. Not only are they away from all the noise and people, but there are some activities that are available to them as well.
“We get to go fishing and swimming in our pond, four wheelings is fun too,” said Geise, “We can also raise animals out in the country that we can’t really raise in a town.”
Geise thinks that compared to other kids, she gets to take part in these activities.. Some animals that she has raised on her farm are horses, peacocks, goats, chickens, ducks and at one point in time, even a raccoon.
“I think my favorite would have to be the horses they were a lot of hard work but I think I was in kindergarten when we had them so I barely did any of it, I just got to play with them,” said Giese, “Besides the horse, I think having the ducks in our pond is fun because our dogs will chase after them sometimes and it’s really funny.”
Geise has always been a fan of animals and the outdoors, living in the country has always been a way for her to stay more in touch with these things. Being away from others out in the country can be a plus and a downside for some people.
“When I grow up I think I would want to live out in the country with my family because it’s a lot of fun to have this much space to do everything you want to do,” said Chappel. “But at the same time no because sometimes it sucks, like my little sisters don’t have neighbor kids to play with and they don’t get to grow up having those block friends.”
When it comes to knowing what’s best for raising a family and where to do it, there is no right or wrong answer. It is more of an opinion and what is best. Chappel is more in the middle when it comes to that decision.
“This is what I grew up knowing and I wanted the same for my kids,” said Shane Geise. “Some of my best memories as a kid are out on a farm.” Shane is Piper’s father and Keely’s stepfather who they both live with.
Living far away from others has always been a dream for some people. Chappel and Geise both are very grateful for their home and the opportunities that come with living out in the country. It might not be for everyone, but these girls love it.

Skylar Mosser is a sophomore at GHS and is part of the Vanguard Magazine for her first year. She is in Journalism because she enjoys learning about other...