Live Concert Experience
Two Girls’ First Concert Spent Together
Summer Salt performing their song “Driving to Hawaii” on stage at The Slowdown.
A person’s first concert experience is often something they will always remember. For sophomores Bailey Stender and Grace Pemberton, their first concert is very near and dear to their heart. It was so special to them because it exceeded all expectations and they got to spend it listening to the bands they love with the people they love.
“What made the concert special to me was that it was my first ever concert and only concert I have ever been to,” Stender said. “I also really liked the band’s music and it was so cool to be able to hear it live with my friends.”
On March 10, Stender and Pemberton saw a Summer Salt concert at the Slowdown in the Old Market in Omaha. Summer Salt was accompanied by two other bands called Okie Dokie and Breakup Shoes. The Slowdown is a smaller venue, and it’s size allowed the bands for a more intimate performance. According to Pemberton, one band member went out into the crowd, danced around and then stood on the bar while messing with the lights. She says she even caught a tee-shirt that was thrown out in the crowd.
“This concert exceeded my expectations because I was picturing a huge room with rows of seats but we were really up close with the artists and we even got to meet them,” Stender said. “I recommend going to a small venue concert because it really gives off a personal vibe.”

Stender and Pemberton are both indie music lovers, so this makes it hard to find concerts. While living in Nebraska, it is especially uncommon for underground artists to come to and perform. One of Summer Salt’s last concerts was in Omaha. Many shows were rescheduled due to COVID-19. So Stender and Pemberton could say that this was a rare moment for them.
“It was so fun to be able to see a band I really like live,” Pemberton said. “It is definitely something I will always remember. Many of my favorite bands don’t come to Omaha and I am very fortunate that I got to see them before it was canceled.”
Not only did they get to see a band that they really loved, but they also got to spend it with people they love too. According to Pemberton, Summer Salt will be the first of many special memories made at concerts.
“The concert was very special to me because I was able to experience it with my best friends,” Pemberton said. “I would definitely see them again if they came back because I think every concert would be a different experience, but I also would want to go to different bands’ concerts with my friends to be able to make new memories.”

Mara Bosworth is a sophomore at GHS and this is her first year on the GNN staff. She serves as a staff reporter. She enjoys journalism because it gives...