Humans of Gretna
Check out the new volume
April 10, 2020
Check out the new volume
April 10, 2020
Peyton Rewczuk is a junior at GHS and is in her second year on The Vanguard Staff. She serves as Editor-in-Chief. She is involved in journalism because...
Alexis Spier is a senior at GHS and is starting her first semester on the Vanguard Magazine Staff. Her position in the magazine is a reporter. She enjoys...
Skylar Mosser is a sophomore at GHS and is part of the Vanguard Magazine for her first year. She is in Journalism because she enjoys learning about other...
Elizabeth Daily is a senior at GHS and is in her first year on The Dragon and The Vanguard Staff. She serves as a Sports Editor of the yearbook and reporter...
Isa Muhlecke is a junior at GHS and is in her first year on The Dragon staff. She is a reporter. She likes journalism because she likes getting to know...
Avery Swanson is a freshman at GHS and this is her first year on the Vanguard Magazine Staff. She serves as a reporter to the magazine. She is in journalism...
Connor Beck is a junior at GHS and is in his first year on The Vanguard Staff. He serves as a reporter for the publication. Connor pursues journalism to...
Mara Bosworth is a sophomore at GHS and this is her first year on the GNN staff. She serves as a staff reporter. She enjoys journalism because it gives...
Shaina Russell is a junior at GHS and is a part of the Vanguard Magazine for her second year. She is in Journalism because she enjoys taking pictures of...